Information about Beta testers

Over Cloud 9 invites experienced beta testers to submit their open resumes here for assisting RPG game developers. Developers who are interested to submit their games for testing can contact the admin at [email protected] .
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Re: Information about Beta testers

Postby over_cloud9 » Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:36 pm

:wel: dgfurman and others.

We are looking for more testers to submit their resume.The more the better! :) You can post your resume anytime.It's never too late.
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Re: Information about Beta testers

Postby sassylassie » Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:55 am

My trait is a secretary/proofreader. I love beta testing. It's fun. The latest game I have beta tested was Lily and Sasha: The Curse of the Immortals. We made sure that the spelling and grammar was correct. Made sure that the main character was walking smoothly and didn't stick. Any error messages that cropped up took a screen shot and showed the developer. Made sure the background was the way it should be. Anything that would cause the game to crash told the developer about it. Just had everything ready to go for release date. I have beta tested hidden object games for Playfirst. In the hidden object games we made sure the spelling and grammar was done correctly and the objects picked up like they were suppose to. Made sure the hidden object scenes were not too dark and you could see what you were looking for. That the cut scenes ran smoothly and there was no jerkiness or if there was voice acting no skipping in their voices. If error messages came up to take a screen shot and show the developer. Made sure the scene changes ran smoothly. I also beta tested for the new Gamezebo web site. There we had to make sure the links were operating correctly. The forums were working properly. Anything that shouldn't be report it to the developer. And made sure it was ready for release.
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Re: Information about Beta testers

Postby over_cloud9 » Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:00 pm

Welcome to our beta testers guild Sue! :wel:
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Re: Information about Beta testers

Postby rayvic1 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:03 pm

I hope this is the right area for my question but I have many years of enthusiastic gaming behind me (starting with the Sega Master System when I got completely hooked) but I wanted to ask how one becomes a beta tester?
I have 40+ hours each week free and using this time constructively in this way would be wonderful.

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Re: Information about Beta testers

Postby over_cloud9 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:21 pm

You can keep tab on upcoming games and offer the developers for beta testing their games.sometimes developers may also seek testers in their forums or blogs.and in our guild,the developers will PM you once they are convinced of your experience.Beta testing phase starts when a game is complete and the developer wants to check if everything is performing perfectly the way it should.
You need to be astute in observing game bugs,technical glitches,spellings/typos and other aspects in the game while testing it.In simple terms,you need to find the defects or problems (if any) in the game and report it to the developer so that he can mend it before releasing the game publicly.
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Re: Information about Beta testers

Postby Guppy » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:15 am

Name: Guppy
Location: California
Age: 63
Day Job: Retired Teacher(Lots of freetime to offer)

I've been playing RPGs for about 20 years, and I have a pretty good idea what makes a good RPG. I finally decided to give Beta Testing a try by volunteering to test Lilly and Sasha: Curse of the Immortals for John Wizard Games. I can't believe how much I enjoyed the Beta Testing process. I must have done a good job because they(John Wizard) invited me back to test for them anytime. I'm good at finding tech problems, solving puzzles, catching spelling and grammar mistakes(English), checking playability, and I can offer some suggestions on game improvement, but only if they are wanted. I am retired so can dedicate a lot of time to the testing process. Let me know if I can help you out. :)
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Re: Information about Beta testers

Postby over_cloud9 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:33 am

:wel: Guppy.More experienced testers are invited...always and anytime to submit their resume!
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Re: Information about Beta testers

Postby loontune » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:06 am

Name: Loontune
Age: 25+
Job: Planner
Place: California

Experience: Gamer that's played a lot of different games from different genres and different platforms (though not the most recent console systems). I've had limited Beta testing experience (though I hope to increase my resume in time) and have only helped with one game so far, Lilly and Sasha: Curse of the Immortals from John Wizard games. Though I've got limited experience, I've got a good eye for detail and enjoy helping test games because it makes me appreciate how much goes into getting any game perfect, or near perfect in some cases, for the final release.

Edit: Figured I should update the resume, so to speak. Since posting this, I've beta tested several more John Wizard games, including Jack of all Worlds, Dawn's Light 2, Lilly and Sasha: Nexus of Souls and Guardian Angels and Another Christmas Tale.
Last edited by loontune on Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Information about Beta testers

Postby over_cloud9 » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:15 am

:wel: loontune.
We have 10 testers so far and the numbers are growing.The more the experienced testers are encouraged to pool in their resume anytime,all the time :)
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Re: Information about Beta testers

Postby :D :D :D :D :D » Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:47 am

I have been playing RPGS for a while and love them and would also love to beta test, but I never have. To beta test for a game do I have to have experience cause I would really like to I just never have!
:D :D :D :D :D
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