Over Cloud 9's Blog

A boring record of whatever that comes in my mind

Back to work…


I think a better heading to this post would be ‘Life without my laptop’ xD .Today I got back the system,everything is working fine now.Loads of emails to reply,things to update and check,etc,etc.These few days felt different without my loyal companion though.There was a time when absence of a computer in life really didn’t mean much in our lives.And that was mainly because we didn’t have a computer or laptop to work it back then :) .But now the scene was much different.Work has become so much easier with these machines doing half of them…I mean I sound like an old person,but I can’t help but observe the difference that I felt in the absence of something so mundane.

But without my laptop I could do things which I normally don’t find enough time to. Like spending time with my loved ones,reading newspaper,watching a TV(in absence of youtube),hanging out with friends and all these really didn’t feel like life can be boring without gadgets.All right,let me cease my age old rantings and get down into doing something fruitful :)

posted under General thoughts

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