A Sirius Game has been released on 18th of January. I was busy doing marketing stuff, so could not update my blog. My testers had done a great job and I would thank all of them again
The sad thing is, I didn’t know that 18th was a blackout day of the internet due to SOPA and PIPA protests. The press releases didn’t see the light of the day in most websites.
So I will be sending out the promotional stuff again this week. Let’s see how it works out.
Seriously…we found a name for our game. Ship adventures game is now A Sirius Game, where Sirius is the name of the protagonist. And no, it has nothing to do with Sirius Black.
By middle of November we plan to start the beta testing, which we shall mail to our newsletter subscriber and announce in our forums for tester sign up. Here’s a peek at the title image of the game -

And the loading screen of the game turned out really nice. The models, land, trees, etc in the image below are from the game. So I thought of putting it up too!

That’s it for now. Once we have completed the game, we shall be putting up the screenshots of it when we launch testing. Feel free to leave your feedback, we would be happy to hear from you.
Now that I am back to Bangalore to complete the ship game, here are some updates of our progress (click to see full image)-
The Trophy screen (when all trophies are obtained).

The Weapon screen (not all the prices are given) Read the rest of this entry »
It’s a bit sad that I am unable to put some funny stuff I was intending to share now because I want to finish this game. Neither am I getting time to publish Life of a Indie series second part. I might be able to do that after I am done with the dialogues I guess. And before that I have to finish other stuff and get rid of procrastinating
. Here are some more ships friends, these are the submarine types and attacks player ship suddenly from under water
(Images are taken in Maya, not in game. Click to see enlarged)

So far I liked the whale more than the others, Jim used Killer Whale texture which I really liked and was a surprise as I thought he will use the conventional whale.
Which ship did you like so far? I mean judging both the bird and submarine ships? Leave your comments, I would like to know your opinion.
We just received the 3D art for the fantasy ships we are going to use in our game I spoke of. We have named the game as ‘Ship Adventures’ for reference/working title, though the actual title is yet to be decided. The images below are taken from Maya, just the side view of the ships which look more like birds, but deadly and dangerous. There are another set which looks like sea fishes and will function like submarines. The pirate and ghost ships are in the making. The concept art was thought by me LOL and implemented by Manu. Those concept arts were modeled and textured by Jim. Erek and his wife has taken over to take care of the 2D art and I really love his painted style of art. I will also post his artwork here once some is completed. So presenting our fantasy ships, tada!
Click to see its enlarged version.

That is it for now. Will post some more when some gets completed.
Sorry for putting up a hotch potch of news together every time rather than sticking to the topic
. But like every time, I’ll do that again ^_^ . So before I move on the Arevan, I’d like to announce that we got a new logo last month! Things kept me quite busy, thats why couldn’t update at that point. Here’s our new logo, tell me how does it look like ;P -

You won’t see this logo right now in our website mainly because I’d like to introduce it with the new website look. Like I said last time, we’ve changed our servers…but with a side effect. Few of our page updates and forum posts vanished during that process
. We got new website designers who are working on the new look of the website and I was thinking of releasing the game only after the website is completely overhauled. A new beginning to everything…
Oh! Coming back to the game…Arevan is almost complete now. The game will be up for beta within a day or two. I’ll put it up in Arevan’s forum, so you can check it out when it gets updated. Rifle100 shall do the primary level of testing to catch the basic bugs before it is up for others (and more because I can nag her constantly which I cannot do to other members
). So that may take up a day or two more. Then once the testing starts, the forum will be locked for hiding game related spoilers from other members
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Last few weeks have been very busy,especially with the puzzles…I’m still struggling hard to make them be different…really don’t know how successful I’d be in that. Thats why currently can’t post many games on my site every week like I used to do. But yes, every week, there will be at least one new RPG game for you, that is for sure
Anyway, coming back to the game updates, work had been a bit slow. But I’m trying my best to get everything ready for beta testing by the first week of September. Thats a hard deadline I kept for myself . So far I also had to take care of a couple of things, like getting a new logo and website layout for my site.. Oh yes, if you got my newsletter than you must be knowing that I was thinking of a major overhauling of my website. But I’d been postponing it only for one reason- I don’t want the existing links to each page change. Redirections and 404 errors can slow down things, so I’m really contemplating what I should do. Also I’d be changing servers as my current server isn’t able to cope much with the traffic (strangely). Any way, I’d prefer being cautious this time then be sorry because I won’t get much time to redo much once the game is out. Read the rest of this entry »
Hiya friends! As I was going through some of my older blog post, I recognized an unmistakable tone of whining in them….the realization became more clear because I had been reading Juuso’s blog and that he discussed with examples how the game developers are master whiners LOOOOOL! It was a good and funny read and I was alarmed by the fact that I’m becoming one that perfectly fits into this definition! So I instantly thought of focusing on the positive things in life - for example zombies can’t eat cheesy pizzas but I can! And that I can poke and disturb my sister to wake up from sleep but she cant’ (mainly because I wake earlier than her Muahahahaha), and so and so forth. I was amazed by the mood lift I received on thinking how I had an advantages on many aspects of life like these and that definitely contributed to some intense working last few weeks.
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Finally I have progressed to a satisfactory extent when I can show you some screenshots, sneak peaks and the introduce to the story of my game.Though normally I discuss everything here,this time I have posted the game snapshots on the main site for others to view it as well.Here’s a link to that page- http://www.overcloud9.com/games/our-games/arevan/
You can discuss what you think about the game in the forum or in comments here,whichever you wish.As this is my first game,I thought my customers deserve a treat in here.So I have launched a “Customer Loyalty” program which offers to offer this game for free to our recurring customers. To view more information about it,click here.
And I have another small news-we’ve launched a newsletter system by which we can keep you updated about the latest games releases,updates,etc at Over Cloud 9.I’ve planned of setting it up as a monthly notification service whereby one can receive a summary of the games and walkthroughs released on the end of each month.If you wish to subscribe,visit this page. Let me see how I can keep up with that.I’ll remain crazy busy this week as I have loads of pending stuff to finish and speed up the development process.By the way,I have received all my character images from my artist Niki,and they are beautiful.Niki has become my sweetheart,she did an awesome job and will be working on our title screen from this weekend.What else?…umm…nothing more for now,got loads of stuff to take care of.
I would rather call my general update than game progress update as it contains more of my blah-blahs than game related news.Yet…
Finally I have been able to proceed to a part where I’m satisfied,if not happy.There is a lot more to finish and I’m not content with my pace of progress.But they say ’slow and steady wins the race’…
As far as the story part is concerned,almost 50% is done.But,but,but…there are a few side quests left,the insides of the houses of most towns are not done yet,only two and a half of the 8-9 dungeons are done (yeah didn’t put too many dungeons in here as I’m not the all-battle person) and most importantly the battles are totally left out as I told I’m going to take them up at the end(i.e. after completing everything else).I’m still not sure whether I should include the puzzles as I thought of before because that may increase the time required to complete it.Don’t know what will be the finished product like,but being cranky about perfection may slow down the process.I’m really concerned as to how casual gamers will take the story,because we all have our own likes and biases.Not everyone may appreciate it if they judge it morally or normally…but it’s a story that is all I can say…and based on true emotions. Read the rest of this entry »